These three things I know to be true.
There are others, but these are the primary ones right now.
I am loved, and I am the giver of love.
Even when everything in life seems to be saying the opposite, you know that you know that you know that your love bucket can never run dry.
You are deeply loved. By your Creator, Lord, and Savior. By family and friends, partners and colleagues. And by people you have yet to get to know thoroughly.
In turn, you pour love out to those who deserve it, and those who don’t.
You’re a walking love revolution! That there is the gospel truth.
My purpose on earth is unfolding daily.
The cliche: “God’s not finished with me yet!” The truth: at every turn, He’s using me to carry out His purpose and to fulfill my destiny here. I’m a worshiper, intercessor, writer, editor, blogger, organizer… Often imitated, never duplicated. I don’t fit any preconceived mold. Neither do you!
Work, family, friends, talents, vocation, avocation… they’re all ingredients in this life-sized layer cake that is each person’s life calling.
Encouragement and motivation are my trump cards, showing themselves strong even when I want to be Grumpelstiltskin.
Every event in my life is meant not just to grow me up, but to affect and positively change others. I can’t fight destiny!
You and I are connected for a reason.
It might not be crystal clear right now. We may just be discovering each other via our blogs, comments, social media, or in person. But the connection is real and true, and it will bring forth fruit.
I’m excited to see where it will all lead! God’s in the midst of it all. I wait on His timing to bring it all to fruition. Trying to rush Him never works, does it?
What are your three things that you know to be true? How are you living them to the fullest daily?
thedoseofreality says
Hmmm. I will have to think on this one. I love the three things you chose. I will say that I know for sure, I am here to be my children’s mother. And I know that I love what I am doing right now. Now, I need to think on the third one.-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…The Secret To Fantastic Gift Giving- “Pick UR Gift” URself! DUH!
Norma Roy-Hardie says
Beautiful!! You are a phenomenal, GOD fearing WOMAN Ali4JC! I am a purpose driven, GOD-fearing giver of LIFE, I am LOVE!! Evangelist Norma Roy-Hardie
Alison says
Yes, yes, and yes, Queen! So good to see you on here commenting!
Alison says
You’ve got the first two down pat, Ashley. The third one will come. I’ve been sitting on this post (well, the title of it) for a while now. Once I finally sat and began cranking it out, the “truths” emerged.
Alison recently posted…Three things I know to be true
Tamara says
I feel like I need to drill #1 into my head but I do get it. And #3 – yes!! I totally agree about how we’re connected for reasons.
I’m finding out more of my purpose every day. I wonder what it will be like years from now to look back with what I’ve discovered.
Tamara recently posted…Beware of Darkness.
Alison says
I think we all need daily (deep) drilling re: #1, Tamara. So easy to believe the opposite.
Like you, I do believe that that retrospective look will be awesome. Imagine the smile it’ll bring to our faces when we see how we’ve fulfilled our calling!
Alison recently posted…Three things I know to be true
Beth says
Oh how I loved this Alison. Truths… We are loved. We are forgiven. He has a purpose for our life.
This really made me smile this morning. You are such a delight my friend.
Beth recently posted…Three Word Wednesday: Pray for them
Alison says
Hugs back to you, Beth. We are loved and accepted in the Beloved. Isn’t it a truth worth proclaiming?
Alison recently posted…Three things I know to be true
fabiana says
Fact, I am loved buy God unconditionally. Unconditional love, the best antidepressant … ever!!!
Fact, God loves with a plan in mind, to draw me closer to Him so, I focus on His love through the journey.
Fact, God has many ways of seeing us through our journey, including relationships and the encouragement of like minded individuals.
I am always blessed by your posts Alison, we are connected for a reason.
It just crossed my mind that when you decided to become a journalist you never imagined that God would use you to encourage His people. That my dear, was part of His plan.
Alison says
You’re right, Fab. Who would have thought being part of the pioneer journalism class of UVI would lead to this? Look at God, and His infinite patience with the rebel (uppercase and lowercase) that He converted into His redeemed child! May His destiny in me continue to play out, to the benefit of His glory!
We truly are connected for a purpose, Fab. Let’s never, ever forget that.
Alison recently posted…Three things I know to be true
Brittnei says
This is such a sweet post! I love the mention of grumplestilskin hahha. I am really happy that I connected with you Alison! It’s is so refreshing getting to know amazing people like you. I look forward to every post.
My three things that I know: im a wife, mommy and homemaker. Anything that fits comfortably around that is wonderful. Everything else gets removed. I feel very confident in knowing these three things are my purpose. 🙂
Brittnei recently posted…Coming Soon!
Alison says
Your three things are so uber-powerful, Brittnei! They are at the foundation of every other thing that we can call truth. Walk in that truth daily (as I know you do!) with pride, yet with humility at the high calling you fulfill.
Alison recently posted…Three things I know to be true
Kimberly H. Smith says
I have to agree with your three. They have shown immeasurable truth in my life in the last year. Very inspiring post.
Kimberly H. Smith recently posted…How Your Pinterest Boards Can Attract Attention
Alison says
Amen, Kimberly, for how those truths manifested in your life. God is extremely faithful!
Alison recently posted…Three things I know to be true
Joi @ Rx Fitness Lady says
You know that you know that you know that you know….YES MA’AM! This is why I love coming here Alison!
Joi @ Rx Fitness Lady recently posted…HOLIBUYS with Katherine at thirty-one
Alison says
LOL! I try to keep it real, Ms. Joi. Living in the truth, as my name means “teller of truth.”
Alison recently posted…Three things I know to be true
Michelle says
I’ll definitely have to think about this! I love yours though! I am very glad to have connected with you!
Michelle recently posted…#AskAwayFriday with Ophelia from LatinaMamaRama
Alison says
Likewise, Michelle. It’s been a joy to have made your acquaintance and to get to know you better through your blog posts.
Alison recently posted…Three things I know to be true
Kenya G. Johnson says
It sure doesn’t. I am nearly in tears reading this – I believe that some of us ignite one another and that’s why we have all connected (for a reason) This is the second thing I’ve read today that is dredging up something from my the bottom of my soul that needs to be written. Thank you for the inspiration.
Kenya G. Johnson recently posted…My Cooking: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Alison says
Aw Kenya! Praying for you as you process that “something” and for what you write to be cathartic and healing. Hugs, Ali.
Alison recently posted…Three things I know to be true
Kita says
This is a hard one I know God is my best friend he is the only one who won’t turn his back on me or judge me. The other two you gonna have me meditating all weekend to think about.
Kita recently posted…New graduate or expert
Alison says
Meditate away, Kita! Believe me, I’ve been wanting to do this post for almost a year but couldn’t settle on what the three things would be. So I feel ya!
Dana says
Your three are wonderful, Alison, can I choose those for my own? Number one is the most important to me, and I feel so blessed that I can say it is true.
Dana recently posted…My sordid past
Alison says
And so you should, Dana! Number one all the way!
Alison recently posted…Three things I know to be true
Michelle@Radiant Brown Beauty says
Umm I don’t know about the coworker part lol.
3 things I know to be true (gotta make them a little different):
– I have to do what I can to keep peace in my life. That means omitting some folks
– What we see was created from what we don’t see
– My little boy was not a mistake. He’s a blessing
Michelle@Radiant Brown Beauty recently posted…My Favorite Stores for Organizing Products
Alison says
Those are three beautiful truths, Michelle. But what cowoker part was it that you were referring to?
Alison recently posted…Three things I know to be true
Nellie says
I totally believe that we are connected for a reason! I think my three truths are 1) I can do anything I put my mind to 2) I will always try to be the best mother I can to my children 3) I know how to listen without speaking (if you can count that as one!) 🙂 Awesome post.
Nellie recently posted…DVR Overload, Greek Yogurt & Social Media Done Gone Crazy.
Alison says
Love it. Number #3 is a priceless gem. Ours is a society that is so focused on constant yakking that it is rare to find someone who can genuinely listen without interjecting or hijacking the conversation. Hugs, Ali
Michell says
Love your list of “truths” Alison! Yes, I can’t wait to see the fruit that will come forth from me meeting all my great blogging friends! My truths would have to be…I know that Jesus IS LORD and I’m kept by Him, I know I’m going to Heaven and will meet Him face to face one day and I know that my husband and I were brought together by God for a purpose much larger than ourselves. Love ya my friend…have a blessed weekend!
Michell recently posted…“Michell’s Weekly Pearl”…(at my wits end)
Alison says
I adore your truths! Isn’t it great to have those truths settled in your spirit, Michell? They ground you to do what you’re called to do here on earth.
Cam Bibs and Baubles says
Amen for purpose unfolding daily! So true. All of them are very spot on actually. Great, thoughtful post.
Cam Bibs and Baubles recently posted…I used to love it… I still do
Alison says
Thanks, Cam!