You’ve heard the saying: “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” Well, there’s a part of your body, the vagus (pronounced just like “Vegas”) nerve, whose functions do not stay within the limited lane of a random nerve in your body. What’s the vagus nerve ? The vagus (or vagal) nerve is the 10th of […]
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Holiday seasonings: healthy herbs and spices
One of my favorite aspects of the holiday season is the abundance of delicious, healthy seasonal foods, spices, and scents. In truth, many of the herbs and spices we rely on to bring out those … [Read More...]

Remove yourself from the prediabetes zone
How did I become prediabetic? Imagine my shock when some routine bloodwork revealed some not-too-routine results regarding my blood sugar levels: I was prediabetic and, by extension, insulin … [Read More...]

Are you ready to break up with sodas?
Photo by Food Photographer on Unsplash What's soda doing to you? Would you say that sodas have been part of your life forever? Any habit can be challenging to give up, … [Read More...]

Leaky gut: Could you have it?
Photo by CDC on Unsplash Have you noticed the recent increased focus on gut health in the media? There’s more talk about the gut microbiome, fermented foods, prebiotics, probiotics, and the food … [Read More...]

Simple and delicious crockpot recipes
On those chilly fall and winter days, a hearty bowl of soup or stew is the perfect meal to cozy up with in front of a roaring fireplace. What's even better is that you can make just about any type of … [Read More...]